News George Turner Wins Wandsworth Civic Award George Turner was awarded a Wandsworth Civic Award in December 2013. Here is is nomination by Caroline…Carney's CommunityJuly 27, 2014
News Our Heroes Carney's Community Co-founder, George Turner, has been nominated for the South London Press "Our Heroes…Carney's CommunityJuly 27, 2014
News Coach of the Year Nomination Mark Reigate, Carney's Community and Fitzroy Lodge ABC's Head Coach, was nominated for the Coach of…Carney's CommunityJuly 27, 2014
News Crisis of Masculinity Carney's Community co-founders George Turner and Mark Reigate appeared on the Channel 4 news at…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014
News MPs take to the ring at Fitzroy Lodge Amateur Boxing Club MPs today took to the ring at Fitzroy Lodge Amateur Boxing Club at a 'boxing…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014
News Paras 10 We have to say a big thanks to one of the Carney’s Community great volunteers.…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014
News Boxing: I Prevent a Riot George Turner, along with three Carney's Community members, joined the panel for the "Boxing: I…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014
News Offender film produced with the support of Carney’s Community A group of Carney's Community's members appear in the feature film 'Offender'. The film was…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014
News Wandsworth think tank to bridge gap between youth and police Carney's Community young people participated in a work shop that attempted to break down the…Carney's CommunityJuly 24, 2014