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Dear all,

As always we are continuing to risk assess current and potential activities that we can provide in this difficult time. I am sure you will be aware that the Government has recently released it’s COVID-19 recovery strategy, which shows a slight ease of restrictions and a phased loosening of rules around the gradual reopening of education settings, from the 1st June. However, this is still not the case for youth centres, with guidance advising that, by law, they are to remained closed to the public. It also emphasises that these measures are conditional on upcoming trends seen in Covid-19 data. Having said this, we are still striving to provide as much support as we can to our participants and local community, whilst keeping a constant eye on the ever changing situation. As well as assessing and meeting the needs of those we are supporting.

We are continuing to hold weekly virtual meetings with partners; weekly team meetings and weekly management meetings to ensure we have all the correct up to date information and access to support for the participants that are most in need. On a more personal level our coaches, key workers and mentors are all in regular contact with those we are providing extra support to and are ensuring they have access to all of the help they need. Also, in response to some recent incidents of youth violence in the borough we will be transitioning some staff back to enable us to do more outreach in the local area.

We are continuing to try and provide as much support as we are able to, under current restrictions, and this is done in the form of:

  • One to one support for most in need via phone and social media
  • One to one fitness sessions in the local park, for those most in need
  • Food deliveries to those most in need at least twice a week (over 500 meals in total)
  • Instagram home work-outs: We have reduced our daily home workouts on our instagram page to every Tuesday and Thursday, as feedback has been that participants would like us to focus more on live Instagram and Zoom sessions
  • We are maintaining our 30 minute, interactive live workouts on our Carney’s Coaches Instagram live every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sundays at 6pm. Free & for all abilities
  • Personalised videos for participants who ware working towards specific fitness goals or who only have limited equipment
  • Targeted zoom boxing fitness sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm
  • A virtual group for our youth participants to “drop in” for support and guidance
  • Virtual, small group, youth club, bike maintenance, cooking classes and fitness sessions with targeted participants on Zoom
  • Story time and craft workshops for participants with young (nursery age) children and/or younger siblings.
  • In partnership with the Battersea Alliance we have helped set up a website with resources and information for Battersea Youth’s Website which went live on 26th March
  • In partnership with the Battersea Alliance we are supporting the Battersea Power Station project “Power to Connect” which aims to provide access to IT and data for those that do not currently have access, more info can be found here
  • Continued to attend any virtual meetings relating to any of the participants we are working with
  • We will be starting a new scheme called Carney’s Conversations on our Instagram live at least once a week – it will involve interviews with ex-participants, staff and recognisable figures who will discuss how they overcame adversity and were able to still make a success of themselves. The purpose in to recognise and celebrate people’s achievements and for it to act as an inspiration to current participants, in demonstrating what is possible, no matter what life throws at you.

You will see we have managed to provide a wide a and varied support package and that is in no small part down to our staff, participants, community and everyone who donated to our recent fundraising appeal, which managed to raise us a whopping £25,000. We are incredibly grateful and humbled at the response we have received from the local community and would like to extend our thanks to all of you. If you are in a position to donate to support us, you can still do so here.

Please continue to ensure you and your families follow the government guidelines.

In the meantime please be aware that other people in our community will be suffering more than usual now, so if you are in a position to be able to offer support, without putting yourself at risk, we would encourage that you please do so.

I will send further updates as and when is necessary and can be contacted on 02072280506 or at george[@] If you would like to be updated via our newsletter please sign up via the section on the right of this page.

We will also be updating situations on our Instagram story, as well as access to online work outs on instagram.

Many thanks, George Turner
CEO Carney’s Community 16/05/20