Battersea Together!
The Big Local SW11 Alliance community partnership is launching a fund directed at supporting local groups and organisations in Battersea in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The fund will enable groups to better support and protect local volunteers; provide services and supplies to the most vulnerable and those that may not be in touch with other agencies or statutory services. We aim to invite others to contribute to the fund.
Access to the fund had been made as simple as possible by email.
A BLSW11 Alliance panel will decide applications on a case-by-case basis.
This community partnership aims to work alongside other organisations delivering Covid-19 support in Battersea.
Further Details
The Big Local SW11 Alliance is a community partnership of Big Local SW11, Katherine Low Settlement, Caius House, Carney’s Community, Providence House and St Peters Church.
For more information on Big Local SW11 and the Alliance or to Download the Application Form to go here: http://www.biglocalsw11.co.uk/
If you have questions about this Fund please email to: info@biglocalsw11.co.uk